Taylor Swift Throwback Thursday: Taylor and Her Cat Olivia

ByKara Johnson|

Taylor Swift’s cats are our favorite kittens who live a pretty lavish life. But, we think they both deserve the spotlight, so for this week, we’re giving it to Olivia, the Scottish Fold that we absolutely adore. 

Olivia is essentially no different than any other cat. She loves to sleep, climb on things, and travel with her mom who just so happens to be Taylor Swift. Olivia is famous for being adorable, white and fluffy, having interesting posture and doesn’t have the evil stare as much as her sister Meredith does.

Instagram / Taylor Swift
Instagram / Taylor Swift

It’s obvious that the songstress loves both of her cats but it’s apparent that Olivia might be the best behaved. You see her in promo videos and photo shoots, and sometimes you’ll even see Swift carry her while she’s out and about. She’s quite the world traveler.

Not to mention, Olivia loves the attention from Swift’s friends and her friends seem to love Olivia’s attention as well. How can you not love the little furball?

Also, if you happen to notice, Olivia loves to chew on things and sometimes those things are kind of important.

And obviously, Olivia has a distaste for her mom’s enthusiasm, a thing we can’t quite understand.

But ultimately, the most important thing we know is that Olivia is loved by so many. She’s got a luxurious life, a good mom and a good playmate named Meredith. What more could she ask for?

We love you, Olivia. You are one of the cutest Scottish Folds around.